Our Sponsors and Donors

A sincere "Merci" to our Sponsors and Donors

Since 1904, Alliance Française Vancouver (AFV) provides French classes for adults, teens, children, public and corporate professionals and offer 15 different certification exams for various areas such as schools, businesses, careers, immigration, etc.  AFV also offers a wide range of cultural programming from francophone cultures around the world. 

As a non-profit organisation, AFV is committed to finding new and accessible ways to make knowledge and culture more accessible in our community. 
Thanks to our sponsors and donors, we are able to provide bursaries and reduced rates for classes and work with schools to provide workshops such as French immersion atelier, mixing education and fun. Our donors and sponsors’ support also ensure that we can keep our events free of charge or very affordable, while providing a high-quality environment for artists. 

L’ Alliance Française Vancouver is a charitable organization registered with the Canadian Revenue Agency, holding  the  charitable tax number 106702046 RR 0001.

Your gift may be eligible for a tax deduction please consider making a donation
See how your support could make a difference and inspire change in our community by reviewing our 2022 donor report.


$100,000 and above
Marie-Claire & Geoffrey Howard

$10,000 - $99,999
Mary Maxwell Tait

 $1,000  – $9,999
Brenda Colaire
Bruno Gerves
Chris Bernard
Chris Cornish
Chris Reid
Christene Best
Damien Hubert
Daniel Wang
Emmanuel Herique
Gisele Danis
Jean Hurst
Lauren Chan
Lorraine Bennett
Marta Maftei
Meena Amlani
Nadege Saint-Felix
Nancy Leong
Pierre Beugnot
Richard Brown
Robert Khouri
Shao Ying Xie
Sonia Robert
Stanley Ulmer
Suzy Buckley

 $100  – $999
Alexandre Delamaire
Amandine Carton
Anita Chafetz
Ariel Lee
Bich Hong Hoang
Brenda & Robert  Howard
Burcu Sevindik
Chambre de Commerce Francophone de Vancouver (CCFV)
Christine Nicolas
Christine Socasau
Claude Bouygues
Conseil Culturel et Artistique Francophone de la Colombie-Britannique (CCAFCB)
Cosme Fandy
Cui Xia Chen
Daniele Poudenx
Dat Ho
David Wong
Eric Baranes
Eric Lauzon
Fédération des Francophones de la Colombie-Britannique (FFCB)
Gabriele & Matt Howard
Gayan Monachino
George Redlinger
Gino Leblanc
Irena Skalbania
Jacques Bodolec
Joel Oger
Jujhar Parmar
Julie Wang
Keona Tan
Laureen Tang
Laurent Fabre
Lise Boullard
Lisa Stark
Louis Cote
Louise Malkin
Lucia De Olazaval
Magdalena Ochoa
Margaux Polinski
MH Robitaille
Mohamed Shariff
Monique Poncelet
Monique Schimann
Mutongo Claude Makulu
Nicholas Humniski
Norman Au-Yeung
Padminee Chundunsing
Régis Painchaud & Lorraine Fortin
Roya Rafiei
Sabine Rouques
Samia Hamwi
Serge Corbeil
Sheila LaRose
Simon Bilodeau
Société de Développement Economique de la Colombie-Britannique (SDECB)
Stefan Gherghinoiu
Vincent Cauwet
Virginie Linage


$500,000 and above

We acknowledge the financial support of the province of British Columbia

$100,000 - $249,999

$50,000 -$99,999


$50,000 - $99,999

$10,000 - $49,999

$1,000 - $9,999


$50,000 - $99,999

1,000  – $9,999
