
At Alliance Française Vancouver, we are proud of our team

Our French Language Teachers

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Our Administrative Team

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Our Fantastic Team of French Language Teachers

Our experienced teachers are native French speakers and have special credentials for teaching French as a foreign language (FSL Master degree from a French University). Their professionalism and dedication are essential to our success and to yours. They will guide you along a well-defined learning pathway, monitoring your progress both inside the classroom and through homework.

We regularly invite  French instructors from around the world who completed their school years in French and gained a FLS Master degree from a French University to join our permanent team of teachers.

Amina Cheraiet
Ali Foudi
Anaïs Hattier
Amrita Saini
Coralie Ruffaut
Charlène Barré
Céline Martinat
Domitille Fave
 Emilie Jousset
Emilie Lequatre
Eugénie Rasamoel
Gabrielle Denault
Hamideh Movassat
Justine Grand-Perrin
Judith Francois-Langevin
Kimberley Charleville
Matthis Capron
Maidi Chibani
Maëlle Monfret
Marie Barbier
Marie-Daphné Laguerre
Mathieu Lopez
 Margot Poracchia
Mélissa Reigner
Nathan Cima

Noémie Guillemant
Océane Caby
Pauline Delemer
 Phœbé Dupont
Perrine Roine
Rayan Al Chami
Sandra Lee
Simone Ralala Harima Nitra
Virginie Wiss
Zélie Eve
Zoé Wei Wang

Our Great Administrative Team

AFV is  grateful to work with a great team of administrative staff and interns who contribute to the ongoing success of the organisation.

Alize Hay Office and Accounting Manager
Chloé Scarvelis Strategic Partnerships and Growth Manager
Damien Hubert Executive Director
Valentin Morin Education Manager
Fanny Surzur Culture and Library Manager
Karim Ait Idir Building maintenance coordinator
Marion Segura Development and Fundraising Manager
Marion Bonneau Marketing and Communications Manager
Maëli Juhel-Ducloyer Social Media and Communications Coordinator
Christina Hetan Receptionist Agent
Benjamin Lavoie Audiovisual Technician
Louise Mabille Rental Coordinator and Cultural & Library Assistant

Maude Poirier Administrative assistant
Louise Veyssière Receptionist Agent
Tahlia MacKinnon Receptionist Agent
Nils Laurendeau Receptionist Agent
Emma Van Waerbeke Receptionist Agent

Our Wonderful Interns

Théo Brochet Cultural & Library Assistant
Clara Theodart Marketing & Communications Assistant
Manon Bossard Cultural & Library Assistant