DELF B1 Test Preparation Guide for Adults


DELF B1 test preparation guide

Following our series of guides for DELF exams, in this article we are going to discuss how to prepare for the DELF B1 exam. As an official centre for DELF and DALF exams in Vancouver, we’ve got you covered!  

At the end of the article, you’ll be able to download a DELF B1 sample paper so you can practice at home. 

First, the overall DELF B1, like all other levels, is divided into a group section and an individual part. The group section lasts 1 hour and 55 minutes, and 25 minutes for the one-on-one session (10 minutes of preparation and 15 minutes of oral expression).  

The collective part covers oral comprehension, written comprehension, and written expression.  

The individual test covers oral expression only.   

Advice for oral comprehension: 

  • Read the instructions of each exercise carefully before starting.  
  • After listening to the recording for the first time, remember the most critical information as it will help you answer the questions (theme of conversation, who is talking, dates, if they are using the formal or informal way of speaking to each other).  
  • Questions will follow the order of the audio recording.  
  • If you don’t understand a word, try to understand the overall context of the situation.  
  • If you can’t answer one question after listening to the audio the first time, try answering the other questions, you will have additional time after the second time you listen to the audio to go back to the questions you left unanswered.  
  • After listening to the recording for a second time, verify all your answers. 

    For the written comprehension: 

    • Start by any exercise. Read the instructions carefully before starting. 
    • During the first reading, highlight the most important information that will help you answer the questions. 

    Suggestions for the written expression examination process:  

    • Pay attention to how you write: your answers should be easy to understand. 
    • Read the instructions of each exercise carefully as it will tell you what type of sample you must write (an email, a letter or an article), the situation, the events you must describe and the feelings and opinions that you must write about. 
    • Use an extra piece of paper to write down your ideas or prepare your draft. Please note that 45 minutes pass by fast, so write as if you were taking notes! 
    • Use 10 minutes to think and write your ideas on a piece of paper, 30 minutes to write and 5 minutes to proofread and verify the spelling and grammar. 
    • Write your opinion and justify it; think of giving examples.  
    • Count the number of words. Once you know the number, write it on the lower part of the exam.  


      For the oral expression:  

      • Acknowledge and greet the evaluators when you arrive and when you leave. 
      • Look at the evaluators as you speak. 
      • If you don’t understand what the examinator is saying, ask him to repeat or talk slowly. It’s OK to do that!  
      • Articulate as you speak. 
      • Use connectors to link ideas and construct an organized speech, with words like "d'abord"," ensuite", "enfin"; or words like "mais", "alors", "cependant", etc.)

      For part 1, the directed interview: 

      Organize your presentation. 

      For part 2, the interactive exercise: 

      • Use “tu” or “vous”, according to the evaluator’s role. 
      • Use the correct polite way to address the person, according to the situation. 
      • Present the situation and the problem you must solve.
      • Propose a solution, give your opinion on the proposals of the evaluator

      For part 3, the expression of a point of view: 

      • Read the subject, and the theme of the document.
      • Write your ideas on a piece of paper, do not write full sentences.
      • Organize your ideas in a detailed way or in a scheme.

      You must consider:

      • An introduction (presentation of the document, theme, planning)
      • Development (my opinion on the theme with examples)
      • Make your questions as “je voudrais..., s’il vous plaît”
      • Finish your speech with “merci” and “au revoir”. 

      These are some general tips to consider for your DELF B1 preparation; however, practicing by reviewing and doing some exercises will help ensure a positive outcome in your DELF B1 exam.    

      You can also download a DELF Tout Public B1 sample paper by filling out this form:
      First Name
      Email Address

      Need extra preparation?
      Consider one of our French classes to learn the content that will lead to the exam and prepare for the DELF exam. 
      Want to present your DELF exam in Vancouver? Register today for one of our upcoming tests!  

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