Digital Library


Culturethèque, your online library

Incredible online library that offers more than 220,000 documents covering the daily press, magazines, novels, children’s books, comics, etc. Platform in constant evolution and offering an ever-wider selection of documents, Its mission is to promote French culture abroad and provide a francophone environment for teachers and learners.

Culturethèque is the digital media library of the Institut français. Thousands of resources are available here!

Audio  library

Listen to French music of different genres and podcasts.

Educational Resources

Enjoy educational material to learn or teach French (interactive exercises, thematic lessons)


Browse a selection of French newspapers and magazines to stay informed about the latest news.

How does it work?

Check out the tutorial videos and everything you need to know to use our incredible online library!

Access  Culturethèque Access  Culturethèque

How to register ? 

Connect to Culturethèque website

Create an account

    - Please use the same email address as your Alliance Française account (but password can be different)
    - Mandatory field: Library * = Vancouver

    You will receive an automatic email from Culturethèque, which announces the creation of your account for 3 weeks.
    Alliance Française Vancouver will then  validate your account to extend it to the expiration date of your AF membership.
    - To do this, please send us an email with your first and last name so that we can extend your access until the end of your subscription to AFV.

    Now, you  have access to thousands of digital books, magazines, comics, etc.

    More tutorials  More tutorials          For any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.