Alliance Francaise Vancouver and its teachers is offering an online English program for adult students based on the levels of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS).
Classes are 2 hours per week of face-to-face distance learning to improve interaction with the teacher, other students, and work on skills such as: listening, speaking, interacting, reading, and writing, using our famous method recognized around the world.
Stay connected! Includes an online access to our platform AF Student Portal where students can check their homework, complete engaging activities, and assignments in French, and also share documents, links, audio, and video with the whole class and the teacher, or even chat and ask random questions!
Help desk: Zoom for students tutorial
A1 Beginner
Can understand and use familiar every day expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type. Can
introduce themselves and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where they live, people they know and
things they have. Can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.
A2-B1 Intermediate
Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. basic personal and family
information, shopping, local geography, employment). Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of
information on familiar and routine matters. Can describe in simple terms aspects of their background, immediate environment and matters in
areas of immediate need.
B1-B2 Upper Intermediate
Can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc.
Can deal with most situations likely to arise while travelling in an area where the language is spoken. Can produce simple connected text on topics that are familiar or of personal interest. Can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.
B2 Advanced
Can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in their field of
specialization. Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible
without strain for either party. Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue
giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.
Price: $15/hour only ($360 per session) |
Duration: 12 lessons of 2 hours (24 hours total) |
Schedule: coming soon |
We chose American English File method (Oxford University Press) for our English program.
How will American English File get students talking? Lessons and activities that provide the necessary language, motivation, and
opportunity for students to talk with confidence. Learners build confidence to communicate with a proven balance of Grammar, Vocabulary,
Pronunciation, and Skills Development in every File. Students have access to their American English File textbook, workbook, online
practice, resources - video, audio, worksheets and much more - in one easy-to-manage place.
Online access:
Coming soon
Coming soon
All prices are subject to change without notice. Books and registration fees are not included in the tuition fee. To cover one book, you will need to take 3 sessions of classes.