

Nos cours de français "Minis", adaptés pour les 3.5 à 5 ans

A l'Alliance Française Vancouver, nous sommes spécialisés dans les cours de français pour jeunes enfants. Nos cours se concentrent sur l'initiation à la langue afin d'améliorer l'acquisition des compétences. Cette initiation aide les enfants à progresser régulièrement dans les autres matières à l'école et les prépare à exceller dans les programmes de français ou dans d'autres matières scolaires.

Nos cours sont programméa le matin à 11h, après l'école à 15h45 ou 16h45, ou encore le samedi à 11h. Chaque cours dure 45 minutes.

Âge requis : Les enfants doivent être âgés de 3,5 à 5 ans et ne pas avoir de connaissances préalables en lecture ou en écriture. Si votre enfant de 5 ans a des capacités de lecture ou d'écriture, veuillez consulter la page 5-7.

Nous utilisons la méthode Les Petits Loustics, éditions Hachette, un cahier d'exercices à l'approche ludique, favorisant le développement de la communication. Il est conçu pour capter l'attention des enfants et donner d'excellents résultats, en se concentrant sur l'expression orale avec une prise de parole et une écoute active.

À la fin de chaque session, les enseignants évaluent les élèves et les parents reçoivent un certificat de réussite.

Emploi du temps des classes

Mercredi de 11h10 à 11h55
Jeudi de 15h45 à 16h30
Jeudi de 16h45 à 17h30
Samedi de 11h10 à 11h55

Cliquez ici pour réserver un cours « Minis » et accéder au programme complet de nos cours de français actuels.
Âge requis : les enfants doivent être âgés de 3,5 ans à 5 ans sans aucune notion d'écriture/lecture. Si votre enfant de 5 ans a des notions d'écriture/lecture, veuillez consulter la page 5-7.

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Unsure of your level?  Click here to take a level assessment.

A1 Initiation with Petits Loustics

A1 Part A Initiation with Les Petits Loustics

One class a week for Kids

Is your child a complete beginner? This level is for him/her.

In this class, children will learn how to:

  • Greet someone;
  • Count up to 5;
  • Answer simple questions (who is this? what is this?);
  • Recognize and name the 6 parts of the head and body;
  • Recognize and name the three primary colors;
  • Follow a short story in French (1).

Age requirement: To enroll, children must be 3.5 years old to 5 years old without any notion of writing/reading skills.
If your 5-year-old child has some notions of writing/reading skills, please check the 5-7 courses
Prerequisite: no prior knowledge of French whatsoever.
Textbooks: Petits Loustics 1, unit 1 + unit 2.

A1 Part B Initiation with Les Petits Loustics

One class a week for Kids

In this class, children will learn how to:

  • Recognize and name 6 toys;
  • Understand the difference between big and small;
  • Choose a toy and say which one they play with;
  • Recognize and name 6 animals and say how they move;
  • Recognize and name 6 colors (2);
  • Follow a short story in French (2).

Age requirement: To enroll, children must be 3.5 years old to 5 years old without any notion of writing/reading skills.
If your 5-year-old child has some notions of writing/reading skills, please check the 5-7 courses
Prerequisite: A1 Part A or Level Assessment.
Textbooks: Petits Loustics 1, unit 3 + unit 4.

A1 Part C Initiation with Les Petits Loustics

One class a week for Kids

In this class, children will learn how to:

  • Say what they like or dislike, what tastes good or not;
  • Recognize and name 6 fruits and their colors;
  • Recognize, name and choose clothes;
  • Count up to 6;
  • Recognize and name 6 objects and clothes from the sea;
  • Follow a short story in French (3).

Age requirement: To enroll, children must be 3.5 years old to 5 years old without any notion of writing/reading skills.
If your 5-year-old child has some notions of writing/reading skills, please check the 5-7 courses
Prerequisite: A1 Part B or Level Assessment.
Textbooks: Petits Loustics 1, unit 5 + unit 6.

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Checkout or add more course/s for yourself or another student.

Unsure of your level?  Click here to take a level assessment.

A1 Initiation with Petits Loustics

A1 Part A Initiation with Les Petits Loustics

One class a week for Kids

Is your child a complete beginner? This level is for him/her.

In this class, children will learn how to:

  • Greet someone;
  • Count up to 5;
  • Answer simple questions (who is this? what is this?);
  • Recognize and name the 6 parts of the head and body;
  • Recognize and name the three primary colors;
  • Follow a short story in French (1).

Age requirement: To enroll, children must be 3.5 years old to 5 years old without any notion of writing/reading skills.
If your 5-year-old child has some notions of writing/reading skills, please check the 5-7 courses
Prerequisite: no prior knowledge of French whatsoever.
Textbooks: Petits Loustics 1, unit 1 + unit 2.

A1 Part B Initiation with Les Petits Loustics

One class a week for Kids

In this class, children will learn how to:

  • Recognize and name 6 toys;
  • Understand the difference between big and small;
  • Choose a toy and say which one they play with;
  • Recognize and name 6 animals and say how they move;
  • Recognize and name 6 colors (2);
  • Follow a short story in French (2).

Age requirement: To enroll, children must be 3.5 years old to 5 years old without any notion of writing/reading skills.
If your 5-year-old child has some notions of writing/reading skills, please check the 5-7 courses
Prerequisite: A1 Part A or Level Assessment.
Textbooks: Petits Loustics 1, unit 3 + unit 4.

A1 Part C Initiation with Les Petits Loustics

One class a week for Kids

In this class, children will learn how to:

  • Say what they like or dislike, what tastes good or not;
  • Recognize and name 6 fruits and their colors;
  • Recognize, name and choose clothes;
  • Count up to 6;
  • Recognize and name 6 objects and clothes from the sea;
  • Follow a short story in French (3).

Age requirement: To enroll, children must be 3.5 years old to 5 years old without any notion of writing/reading skills.
If your 5-year-old child has some notions of writing/reading skills, please check the 5-7 courses
Prerequisite: A1 Part B or Level Assessment.
Textbooks: Petits Loustics 1, unit 5 + unit 6.

Tous les prix peuvent être changés sans préavis. Les livres et les frais d’inscription ne sont pas inclus dans les frais de scolarité. Nouveaux étudiants : un test de placement est nécessaire pour les non-débutants. Merci de nous appeler pour prendre un rendez-vous. Pour couvrir un livre, vous devrez suivre des cours pendant 4 sessions standards. Votre niveau pourrait ne pas être disponible chaque jour.

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