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A1 Discovery Junior

A1 Discovery Junior - DELF A1 Workshop

One class a week for Teens

Online DELF Junior workshops for A1 level

  • Prerequisite: A1 level completed or almost completed
  • Open to children 11 years old and older
  • Work on typical DELF activities to master each component of the exam (speaking, writing, reading, listening)
  • Taught by accredited exam correctors and examiners
  • Package (when available) includes a special rate of 10% OFF workshop + exam.
  • Package includes priority registration to the following session of DELF JUNIOR.

A1 Part 1 - Discovery Junior

One class a week for Teens

Ideal for teens from 12 years old
Is your child a complete beginner? This level is for him/her.

In this class, students will learn how to:

  • Greet someone.
  • Give his/her age and ask for somebody's age.
  • Give his/her name and ask for somebody's name.
  • Talk about likes and dislikes.
  • Ask a question.

Prerequisite: no prior knowledge of French whatsoever.
Textbooks: Adomania 1, units 0, 1 and 2.

A1 Part 2 - Discovery Junior

One class a week for Teens

Ideal for teens from 12 years old
In this class, students will learn how to:

  • Talk about nationalities, where he/she’s from.
  • Present his/her family.
  • Talk about sports.
  • Describe someone physically.

Prerequisite: A1 Part 1 or Placement test.
Textbooks: Adomania 1, units 3 and 4.

Vancouver - 6161 Cambie
Thursday   4pm ▸ 6pm
12 Sep 2024 ▸ 19 Dec 2024

A1 Part 3 - Discovery Junior

One class a week for Teens

Ideal for teens from 12 years old
In this class, students will learn how to:

  • Talk about his/her school: timetable, subjects.
  • Give/ ask for the time.
  • Describe a person, his/her clothes.
  • Talk about purchases and price.
  • Ask for and give an explanation.

Prerequisite: A1 Part 2 or Placement test.
Textbooks: Adomania 1, units 5 and 6.

Vancouver - 6161 Cambie
Saturday   11:05am ▸ 1:05pm
07 Sep 2024 ▸ 14 Dec 2024

A1 Part 4 - Discovery Junior

One class a week for Teens

Ideal for teens from 12 years old
In this class, students will learn how to:

  • Say where he/she lives.
  • Talk about her/his everyday activities.
  • Make travelling plans (future).
  • Talk about travels.
  • Talk about the weather.

Prerequisite: A1 Part 3 or Placement test.
Textbooks: Adomania 1, units 7 and 8.

A1 Part 5 - Discovery Junior

One class a week for Teens

Ideal for teens from 12 years old
In this class, students will learn how to:

  • Talk about transportation.
  • Ask for and give an itinerary.
  • Identify a place, a store in a city.
  • Talk about his/her food habits.
  • Talk about quantity.

Prerequisite: A1 Part 4 or Placement test.
Textbooks: Adomania 2, units 0, 1 and 2.

Vancouver - 6161 Cambie
Tuesday   4pm ▸ 6pm
03 Sep 2024 ▸ 17 Dec 2024

A1 Part 6 - Discovery Junior

One class a week for Teens

In this class, students will learn how to:

  • Express his/her feelings and health.
  • Talk about past events (1).
  • Describe someone’s personality.
  • Ask for help.

Prerequisite: A1 Part 5 or Placement test.
Textbooks: Adomania 2, units 3 and 4.

A1 Junior (DELF preparation)

A1 Discovery Junior - DELF A1 Workshop

One class a week for Teens

Online DELF Junior workshops for A1 level

  • Prerequisite: A1 level completed or almost completed
  • Open to children 11 years old and older
  • Work on typical DELF activities to master each component of the exam (speaking, writing, reading, listening)
  • Taught by accredited exam correctors and examiners
  • Package (when available) includes a special rate of 10% OFF workshop + exam.
  • Package includes priority registration to the following session of DELF JUNIOR.

A2 Intermediate Junior

A2 Intermediate Junior - DELF A2 Workshop

One class a week for Teens

Online DELF Junior workshops for A2 level

  • Prerequisite: A2 level completed or almost completed
  • Open to children 11 years old and older
  • Work on typical DELF activities to master each component of the exam (speaking, writing, reading, listening)
  • Taught by accredited exam correctors and examiners
  • Package (when available) includes a special rate of 10% OFF workshop + exam.
  • Package includes priority registration to the following session of DELF JUNIOR.

A2 Part 1 - Intermediate Junior

One class a week for Teens

In this class, students will learn how to:

  • Talk about past events (2).
  • Describe the timeline of past events.
  • Understand what she/he can or cannot do (1).
  • Talk about environment.

Prerequisite: A1 Part 6  or Placement test.
Textbooks: Adomania 2, units 5 and 6.

A2 Part 2 - Intermediate Junior

One class a week for Teens

In this class, students will learn how to:

  • Talk about comparison and similarities (1).
  • Identify and describe an object and its use (1).
  • Talk about future events (2).

Prerequisite: A2 Part 1 or Placement test.
Textbooks: Adomania 2, units 7 and 8.

A2 Part 3 - Intermediate Junior

One class a week for Teens

In this class, students will learn how to:

  • Talk about the past, memories (3).
  • Present her/his hobbies.
  • Express cause and consequence (1)
  • Compare past and present.
  • Identify and describe an object and its use (2).

Prerequisite: A2 Part 2 or Placement test.
Textbooks: Adomania 3, units 0, 1 and 2.

A2 Part 4 - Intermediate Junior

One class a week for Teens

In this class, students will learn how to:

  • Write an email to a friend.
  • Tell a story using past tenses (4).
  • Describe and protect traditions.
  • Give and nuance his/her opinion.

Prerequisite: A2 Part 3 or Placement test.
Textbooks: Adomania 3, units 3 and 4.

A2 Part 5 - Intermediate Junior

One class a week for Teens

In this class, students will learn how to:

  • Express criticism.
  • Express hypothesis (1).
  • Talk about future events (3).
  • Order food in a restaurant.
  • Talk about comparison (2).

Prerequisite: A2 Part 4 or Placement test.
Textbooks: Adomania 3, units 5 and 6.

Vancouver - 6161 Cambie
Sunday   12:05pm ▸ 2:05pm
08 Sep 2024 ▸ 15 Dec 2024

A2 Part 6 - Intermediate Junior

One class a week for Teens

In this class, students will learn how to:

  • Ask for and give advice.
  • Tell what she/he must or cannot do (2).
  • Express possession.
  • Talk about comparison and superlatives (3).

Prerequisite: A2 Part 5 or Placement test.
Textbooks: Adomania 3, units 7 and 8.

A2 Junior (DELF preparation)

A2 Intermediate Junior - DELF A2 Workshop

One class a week for Teens

Online DELF Junior workshops for A2 level

  • Prerequisite: A2 level completed or almost completed
  • Open to children 11 years old and older
  • Work on typical DELF activities to master each component of the exam (speaking, writing, reading, listening)
  • Taught by accredited exam correctors and examiners
  • Package (when available) includes a special rate of 10% OFF workshop + exam.
  • Package includes priority registration to the following session of DELF JUNIOR.

B1 Independent Junior

B1 Independent Junior - DELF B1 Workshop

One class a week for Teens

Online DELF Junior workshops for B1 level

  • Prerequisite: B1 level completed or almost completed
  • Open to children 11 years old and older
  • Work on typical DELF activities to master each component of the exam (speaking, writing, reading, listening)
  • Taught by accredited exam correctors and examiners
  • Package (when available) includes a special rate of 10% OFF workshop + exam.
  • Package includes priority registration to the following session of DELF JUNIOR.

B1 Part 1 - Independent Junior

One class a week for Teens

In this class, students will learn how to:

  • Advice and recommend (subjunctive 1).
  • Talk about causes and consequences (2).
  • Talk about change using past tenses (5).

Prerequisite: A2 Part 6 or Placement test.
Textbooks: Adomania 4, units 1 and 2.

B1 Part 2 - Independent Junior

One class a week for Teens

In this class, students will learn how to:

  • Compare and express differences.
  • Talk about possibilities and hypothesis (2).
  • Locate in the past and express anteriority (6).
  • Tell what another person is saying (1).
  • Express an objective or a purpose (subjunctive 2).

Prerequisite: B1 Part 1 or Placement test.
Textbooks: Adomania 4, units 3 and 4.

B1 Part 3 - Independent Junior

One class a week for Teens

In this class, students will learn how to:

  • Tell what another person said (2).
  • Debate (agree and disagree)
  • Discuss about historical events.
  • Express opposition and concession.

Prerequisite: B1 Part 2 or Placement test.
Textbooks: Adomania 4, units 5 and 6.

B1 Part 4 - Independent Junior

One class a week for Teens

In this class, students will learn how to:

  • Express a wish, a doubt, a feeling, a fear (subjunctive 3).
  • Discuss about course guidance and future projects.
  • Talk about a book or a movie.
  • Express possibility and impossibility.

Prerequisite: B1 Part 3 or Placement test.
Textbooks: Adomania 4, units 7 and 8.

B1 Part 6 - Independent Junior

One class a week for Teens

From B1 Part 5 to Part 12 (8 courses).

Students will finish completing the level B1. They be able to understand and take part in a conversation about various subjects such as justice and culture. They will be able to express wishes, criticism and make/answer an invitation. They will write a resume, make hypothesis, debate and give their complex opinion.

Prerequisite before entering Part 5 of B1 level: B1 Part 4 with Adomania or Placement test.
Textbooks: Generation B1 Unit 1 (B1 Part 5) to Unit 8 (B1 Part 12)
or Inspire Lycée 3 Unit 1 (B1 Part 5) to Unit 7 (B1 Part 11).

B1 Part 6 - Independent Junior with Inspire

One class a week for Teens

From B1 Part 5 to Part 12 (8 courses).

Students will finish completing the level B1. They be able to understand and take part in a conversation about various subjects such as justice and culture. They will be able to express wishes, criticism and make/answer an invitation. They will write a resume, make hypothesis, debate and give their complex opinion.

Prerequisite before entering Part 5 of B1 level: B1 Part 4 with Adomania or Placement test.
Textbooks: Generation B1 Unit 1 (B1 Part 5) to Unit 8 (B1 Part 12)
or Inspire Lycée 3 Unit 1 (B1 Part 5) to Unit 7 (B1 Part 11).
Online classes
Monday   4pm ▸ 6pm
09 Sep 2024 ▸ 16 Dec 2024

B1 Part 8 - Independent Junior with Inspire

One class a week for Teens

From B1 Part 5 to Part 12 (8 courses).

Students will finish completing the level B1. They be able to understand and take part in a conversation about various subjects such as justice and culture. They will be able to express wishes, criticism and make/answer an invitation. They will write a resume, make hypothesis, debate and give their complex opinion.

Prerequisite before entering Part 5 of B1 level: B1 Part 4 with Adomania or Placement test.
Textbooks: Generation B1 Unit 1 (B1 Part 5) to Unit 8 (B1 Part 12)
or Inspire Lycée 3 Unit 1 (B1 Part 5) to Unit 7 (B1 Part 11).

B1 Part 10 - Independent Junior with Inspire

One class a week for Teens

From B1 Part 5 to Part 12 (8 courses).

Students will finish completing the level B1. They be able to understand and take part in a conversation about various subjects such as justice and culture. They will be able to express wishes, criticism and make/answer an invitation. They will write a resume, make hypothesis, debate and give their complex opinion.

Prerequisite before entering Part 5 of B1 level: B1 Part 4 with Adomania or Placement test.
Textbooks: Generation B1 Unit 1 (B1 Part 5) to Unit 8 (B1 Part 12)
or Inspire Lycée 3 Unit 1 (B1 Part 5) to Unit 7 (B1 Part 11).
B1 Junior (DELF preparation)

B1 Independent Junior - DELF B1 Workshop

One class a week for Teens

Online DELF Junior workshops for B1 level

  • Prerequisite: B1 level completed or almost completed
  • Open to children 11 years old and older
  • Work on typical DELF activities to master each component of the exam (speaking, writing, reading, listening)
  • Taught by accredited exam correctors and examiners
  • Package (when available) includes a special rate of 10% OFF workshop + exam.
  • Package includes priority registration to the following session of DELF JUNIOR.

B2 Advanced Junior

B2 Advanced Junior - DELF B2 Workshop

One class a week for Teens

Online DELF Junior workshops for B2 level

  • Prerequisite: B2 level completed or almost completed
  • Open to children 11 years old and older
  • Work on typical DELF activities to master each component of the exam (speaking, writing, reading, listening)
  • Taught by accredited exam correctors and examiners
  • Package (when available) includes a special rate of 10% OFF workshop + exam.
  • Package includes priority registration to the following session of DELF JUNIOR.

B2 Part 7 - Advanced Junior

One class a week for Teens

From B2 Part 1 to B2 Part 8 (8 courses).

In these classes, students will be able to communicate spontaneously so that a native speaker can understand easily. They will read and talk about French literature. They will also be able to sum up a complex document and talk about topics such as free speech, science, the economy, the internet and philosophy. They will write argumentative essays to give their opinion on those subjects using complex past and future tenses. Students will learn about French culture and they will be able to debate on any subject. It is the foreign students’ required level of language to enter French universities.

Prerequisite to enter Part 1 of the B2 level: B1 Part 12 or Placement test. Textbook: Generation B2.
B2 Junior (DELF preparation)

B2 Advanced Junior - DELF B2 Workshop

One class a week for Teens

Online DELF Junior workshops for B2 level

  • Prerequisite: B2 level completed or almost completed
  • Open to children 11 years old and older
  • Work on typical DELF activities to master each component of the exam (speaking, writing, reading, listening)
  • Taught by accredited exam correctors and examiners
  • Package (when available) includes a special rate of 10% OFF workshop + exam.
  • Package includes priority registration to the following session of DELF JUNIOR.

Order This Course

$430.00 CAD

Code: 251G104 S9

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