Oto's Planet follows the peaceful life of Oto, who loves nothing more than lounging in his hammock and enjoying the fruits of the single tree on his tiny planet.
His tranquility is shattered when Exo, a hyperactive and cumbersome cosmonaut, crash-lands in a small spacecraft. The ensuing attempts at communication and cohabitation between these two unlikely roommates are fraught with difficulty.
2024 |
28 minutes |
All ages |
In English & In French |
France |
VR 6 DoF |
Gwenael François
is a French/Luxembourgish director and producer, co-founder of Skill Lab in Luxembourg. He directed film shorts and story driven
music videos that blends creativity and technology. Embracing VR, his previous works include Errances (2023). He's now preparing his next VR project Tachychronia.
2024 :
■ Annecy Festival // VR Works - In Competition (World
■ 81. Venice Film Festival // Venice immersive - Special Jury Prize (International Premiere) Festival of International
Virtual and Augmented Reality Stories (FIVARS) - Official Selection
■ Animest International Animation Film Festival (Animest) - In competition DOK Leipzig - DOK Neuland
■ Kaohsiung Film Festival // XR Dreamland (KFF) - In competition Beyond the Frame - XR Competition
■ Geneva International Film Festival (GIFF) - International Immersive experience competition
■ Directed & Produced by Gwenael François ■ Music
by Chapelier Fou ■ Produced by Julien Becker (Skill Lab), Nicolas S. Roy ( Dpt.), Vincent
Guttmann & Voyelle Acker (Small Creative) ■ A co-production of Skill Lab, Dpt., Small Creative ■ Production
Luxembourg, Canada, France ■ Supported by Film Fund Luxembourg, Canada Media Fund, La Région Grand Est, CNC, Atelier Grand
Nord XR