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Let's Celebrate comics together!

As a proud partner of Vancouver Comic Arts Festival, we prepared an exciting selection of behind the scenes and interviews with French comics artists from our exhibition Machines à Bulles!

VANCAF online festival

Date: May 17 2021 - May 23 2021
Time: Until May 23rd
Location: Online
Price: Free

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The Infinite Drawing | La Grande Histoire du Dessin Sans Fin - Elly Oldman

Elly Oldman discusses The Great Story of the Infinite Drawing. Check out the full comic here!

The Making of The Building | La Conception de l'Immeuble - Vidu

Vidu discusses his interactive web comic, The Building. Check it out here!

The Portrait of Esther | Le Portrait d’Esther - Pierre Jeanneau et Romain Bonnin

Le Portrait d’Esther is a historical comic presented like an investigation where the reader travels from contemporary Paris to 1940’s Paris. Check it out here!

La Méthode Curie | Emmanuel Rouillier, designer d’expérience 

Emmanuel Rouillier talks about the creation of La Méthode Curie. This video is presented in French. 

Meet Jonathan Garnier & Amélie Fléchais | Rencontre avec Jonathan Garnier & Amélie Fléchais

Meet the creators of "Bergères Guerrières" : Amélie Fléchais et Jonathan Garnier