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EXHIBITION | Capture Festival | Dépaysagements, A General Theory of Relative Ground

Date: Thursday April 3rd to Sunday April 27th, 2025
Time: Tues-Fri: 12pm-7pm | Sat: 10am-4pm
Location: Vancouver - 6161 Cambie, Galerie d'art
Price: Free | Gratuit

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Pour tous les âges.
For all age

Presentation des oeuvres disponible en français et en anglais. | Artworks texts available in French and in English

This exhibition is part of the 2025 Capture Photography Festival Selected Exhibitions Program.


Venez rencontrer les artistes lors d'un vernissage la samedi 5 avril de 15h à 18h
Come and meet the artists at a vernissage on Saturday, April 5th from 3pm to 6pm!

L'Exposition | The Exhibition

Le paysage est une construction et sa signification découle de celui qui le regarde. Cette exposition photographique élargie associe de nouvelles œuvres d'Annie Briard et de Scott Massey, artistes basés à Vancouver, qui explorent chacun le paysage en tant que forme et en tant que feuille à travers leur objectif.

Chargée de connotations liées aux revendications coloniales du XIXe siècle, à l'expansion et à l'extraction des ressources, la photographie de paysage est devenue un genre vicié. Peut-être qu'un changement réfléchi de notre perspective temporelle fournira une nouvelle perspective relationnelle qui pourrait nous permettre de transmettre un devoir d'attention aux générations futures. Et si nous écoutions la terre sans vouloir la contrôler ? La terre parle lentement, au fil des décennies, des siècles, des époques qui dépassent l'entendement humain. Sa métamorphose est lente et prolongée, chaque période de changement inaugurant un nouvel agencement des formes, des relations, de la croissance et de la décroissance.

Cette exposition, qui présente en avant-première de nouvelles œuvres photographiques élargies, pose la question de savoir pourquoi le paysage devrait avoir de l'importance aujourd'hui, au milieu de tout ce à quoi nous sommes confrontés, et postule l'importance de notre relation continue avec notre environnement. 

Landscape is a construct and its meaning is derived from the beholder. This expanded photography exhibition pairs new works by Vancouver-based artists Annie Briard and Scott Massey, each exploring the landscape as form and as foil through their lenses.

Burdened as it is with connotations of nineteenth-century colonial claiming, expansion, and resource extraction, landscape photography has become a tainted genre. Perhaps a considered shift in our temporal perspective will provide a new relational outlook which might allow us to pass a duty of care along to future generations. What if we listened to the land without the urge to control it? The land speaks slowly over decades, centuries – epochs beyond human reckoning. Its metamorphosis is slow and prolonged, each changing period ushering in a new arrangement of form, of relationships, of growth and decay.

Premiering new expanded photography works, this exhibition asks why the landscape should matter now, in the midst of all we face, and posits the importance of our continued relationship with our environment.

Les artistes | The artists 

Annie Briard

Annie Briard holds a BFA from Concordia University (2008) and an MFA from Emily Carr University of Art + Design (2013). Her works have been presented at the Quebec Biennale (2020), the Vancouver Art Gallery, Lincoln Film Centre New York, AC Institute (New York), the Switzerland Architecture Museum (Basel), Three Shadows Photography Centre (Beijing), among many others. Recent solo exhibitions include Royale Projects (Los Angeles, 2024), Monica Reyes Gallery (Vancouver, 2022), Deluge Contemporary (Victoria, 2021), Queen’s University (2021), Burrard Arts Foundation (Vancouver, 2021), Joyce Yahouda Gallery (Montreal). In 2025, MKG127 will present her first solo exhibition in Toronto. Briard is currently a Lecturer in graduate studies, photography and media art at Emily Carr University.

Scott Massey

Scott Massey holds a BFA from Emily Carr University of Art + Design (2003) and is currently pursuing an MFA at University of British Columbia. His works have been presented in solo exhibitions at the Kamloops Art Gallery (Kamloops, 2021), at VU Photo (Quebec, 2018), Burnaby Art Gallery (2018), Dazibao (Montreal, 2014), the Contemporary Art Gallery (Vancouver, 2012) and group shows internationally, including Corkin Gallery (Toronto), Alfa Gallery (Miami) and Kunsthal Charlottenborg (Copenhagen). Massey's work explores the confluence of art and science whereby he accentuates and amplifies natural phenomena, often heightened through artificial means based on research into areas of physics, cosmology, astronomy, and other scientific disciplines.

Cet évènement est présenté par
This event is presented by

EXHIBITION | Capture Festival | Dépaysagements, A General Theory of Relative Ground

Vancouver - 6161 Cambie,

Pour tous les âges.
For all age

Presentation des oeuvres disponible en français et en anglais. | Artworks texts available in French and in English

This exhibition is part of the 2025 Capture Photography Festival Selected Exhibitions Program.


Venez rencontrer les artistes lors d'un vernissage la samedi 5 avril de 15h à 18h
Come and meet the artists at a vernissage on Saturday, April 5th from 3pm to 6pm!

L'Exposition | The Exhibition

Le paysage est une construction et sa signification découle de celui qui le regarde. Cette exposition photographique élargie associe de nouvelles œuvres d'Annie Briard et de Scott Massey, artistes basés à Vancouver, qui explorent chacun le paysage en tant que forme et en tant que feuille à travers leur objectif.

Chargée de connotations liées aux revendications coloniales du XIXe siècle, à l'expansion et à l'extraction des ressources, la photographie de paysage est devenue un genre vicié. Peut-être qu'un changement réfléchi de notre perspective temporelle fournira une nouvelle perspective relationnelle qui pourrait nous permettre de transmettre un devoir d'attention aux générations futures. Et si nous écoutions la terre sans vouloir la contrôler ? La terre parle lentement, au fil des décennies, des siècles, des époques qui dépassent l'entendement humain. Sa métamorphose est lente et prolongée, chaque période de changement inaugurant un nouvel agencement des formes, des relations, de la croissance et de la décroissance.

Cette exposition, qui présente en avant-première de nouvelles œuvres photographiques élargies, pose la question de savoir pourquoi le paysage devrait avoir de l'importance aujourd'hui, au milieu de tout ce à quoi nous sommes confrontés, et postule l'importance de notre relation continue avec notre environnement. 

Landscape is a construct and its meaning is derived from the beholder. This expanded photography exhibition pairs new works by Vancouver-based artists Annie Briard and Scott Massey, each exploring the landscape as form and as foil through their lenses.

Burdened as it is with connotations of nineteenth-century colonial claiming, expansion, and resource extraction, landscape photography has become a tainted genre. Perhaps a considered shift in our temporal perspective will provide a new relational outlook which might allow us to pass a duty of care along to future generations. What if we listened to the land without the urge to control it? The land speaks slowly over decades, centuries – epochs beyond human reckoning. Its metamorphosis is slow and prolonged, each changing period ushering in a new arrangement of form, of relationships, of growth and decay.

Premiering new expanded photography works, this exhibition asks why the landscape should matter now, in the midst of all we face, and posits the importance of our continued relationship with our environment.

Les artistes | The artists 

Annie Briard

Annie Briard holds a BFA from Concordia University (2008) and an MFA from Emily Carr University of Art + Design (2013). Her works have been presented at the Quebec Biennale (2020), the Vancouver Art Gallery, Lincoln Film Centre New York, AC Institute (New York), the Switzerland Architecture Museum (Basel), Three Shadows Photography Centre (Beijing), among many others. Recent solo exhibitions include Royale Projects (Los Angeles, 2024), Monica Reyes Gallery (Vancouver, 2022), Deluge Contemporary (Victoria, 2021), Queen’s University (2021), Burrard Arts Foundation (Vancouver, 2021), Joyce Yahouda Gallery (Montreal). In 2025, MKG127 will present her first solo exhibition in Toronto. Briard is currently a Lecturer in graduate studies, photography and media art at Emily Carr University.

Scott Massey

Scott Massey holds a BFA from Emily Carr University of Art + Design (2003) and is currently pursuing an MFA at University of British Columbia. His works have been presented in solo exhibitions at the Kamloops Art Gallery (Kamloops, 2021), at VU Photo (Quebec, 2018), Burnaby Art Gallery (2018), Dazibao (Montreal, 2014), the Contemporary Art Gallery (Vancouver, 2012) and group shows internationally, including Corkin Gallery (Toronto), Alfa Gallery (Miami) and Kunsthal Charlottenborg (Copenhagen). Massey's work explores the confluence of art and science whereby he accentuates and amplifies natural phenomena, often heightened through artificial means based on research into areas of physics, cosmology, astronomy, and other scientific disciplines.

Cet évènement est présenté par
This event is presented by

Featured Image: /media/marketing_events/970/Exhibition_Dépaysagements-A-General-Theory-of-Relative-Ground_2-(1).png
Custom Date: Thursday April 3rd to Sunday April 27th, 2025
Custom Time: Tues-Fri: 12pm-7pm | Sat: 10am-4pm
Custom Price: Free | Gratuit
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